Add labels in group header and footer

Added in v3.0.7

This feature enables to have labels in group header and footer, specially for each variable (on top of it) or a general label for all variables at the left.


Code examples for labels associated to group variables

Note the overloaded addHeaderVariable(…) method which receives a DJGroupLabel as the last parameter

DJGroupLabel glabel1 = new DJGroupLabel("Total amount",glabelStyle);
DJGroupLabel glabel2 = new DJGroupLabel("Total quantity",glabelStyle);

//               define the criteria column to group by (columnState)
DJGroup g1 = gb1.setCriteriaColumn((PropertyColumn) columnState)
.setHeaderHeight(new Integer(30))
.addHeaderVariable(columnAmount,DJCalculation.SUM,headerVariables, null, glabel1) // tell the group place a variable footer of the column "columnAmount" with the SUM of all values of the columnAmount in this group.
.addHeaderVariable(columnaQuantity,DJCalculation.SUM,headerVariables, null, glabel2) // idem for the columnaQuantity column
.setGroupLayout(GroupLayout.VALUE_IN_HEADER) // tells the group how to be shown, there are manyposibilities, see the GroupLayout for more.

Code GroupLabelTest1 and GroupLabelTest2

Code examples for general label at the left of group variables

Note the setFooterLabel(glabel3) method which receives a DJGroupLabel as parameter

DJGroupLabel glabel3 = new DJGroupLabel("Subtotal"  ,glabelStyle2);

DJGroup g1 = gb1.setCriteriaColumn((PropertyColumn) columnState)
.addFooterVariable(columnAmount,DJCalculation.SUM,headerVariablesStyle) // tell the group place a variable footer of the column "columnAmount" with the SUM of allvalues of the columnAmount in this group.
.addFooterVariable(columnaQuantity,DJCalculation.SUM,headerVariablesStyle) // idem for the columnaQuantity column
.setGroupLayout(GroupLayout.VALUE\_IN\_HEADER) // tells the group how to be shown, there are manyposibilities, see the GroupLayout for more.
.setFooterVariablesHeight(new Integer(30))

Code GroupLabelTest2

Some examples